No. 26, West 17th St., Etihad St,

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Fa   Ar


Hall of Fame

Sehat Brand Social Responsibility

While offering a reasonably comprehensive range of detergent and health products, the Sehat brand has established broad societal axes and, of course, holds responsibility as one of the country’s leading activists in the detergent, health, and beauty industries in the promotion of public health culture.

Sehat scored its effort in the first step by developing high-quality herbal detergent products. Since then, it has continued to work in this area by observing the standards of professionalism and environmental health. Another aspect of these initiatives is to adopt supporting methods to hosting cultural, sporting, and national and international conferences.

Sehat Industrial and Commercial Company also meets the conditions by providing financial support or distributing health packages of its products to charitable organizations, rehabilitation and job creation for vulnerable groups, institutions for the support of special patients, incurable or underprivileged, deprived families, orphaned or abused children, working children, and associating with many active populations, as well as associating with governmental and non-governmental charities and associations.

The brand is not satisfied enough with these activities and has launched personal health campaigns among a group of young mothers and students in order to raise awareness in this area and meet one of its 10 objectives, namely social responsibility and value creation for stakeholders.

Introducing Just a Few Chosen Charity

With the help of philanthropists and charities, the Welfare Organization oversees the Iran spinal cord injuries (ISCI)Support Charity Center, a non-governmental organization that has covered about 3,000 spinal cord injuries with three units in Tehran’s north, west, and south. And, despite the government’s budget constraints, all services for people with spinal cord injuries are provided free of charge. This support center is the only non-governmental organization founded by disabled people, and disabled people with spinal cord injuries are responsible for all planning, policy-making, and Execution of all affairs.

Vahdat Mentally Disabled People Charity has been serving mentally retarded girls over the age of 14 for nearly 40 years and is one of the oldest charitable centers for boarding rehabilitation and vocational training. The center was founded as a charity by the board of directors and lacks an independent and rolling budget. To date, this center provides 24/7 specialized services to 186 mentally and physically disabled girls with the assistance of donors, and it is considered one of the best centers in the country.

Nikan mammut Charity Foundation has made 8 years since its establishment and has always been active in the fields of medical aid, livelihood, education, employment, and… This institute’s mission is to empower clients to improve their quality of life, independence, and hope for those who have not had as lucky in life as others, The help of the donors reach out to real poor in all honesty and trustworthiness.

Nikookaran Sharif Charity is a non-profit, non-political, self-organized and non-governmental organization that began operations in 2013 under the legal direction of “Mrs. Shiva Mohammadi Nik (PhD)” with the goal of legally and officially ending deprivation of the poor and orphans. Some of the goals intended for the clients covered include the preservation of personality and human dignity, progression in scientific method, acquisition of job skills to generate income, mental and physical health, and provision of secular and spiritual needs.

Hamgam is a non-profit organization with no political affiliations. The dual goal of providing support services to meet the living and educational needs of vulnerable children and adolescents, as well as the basic requirements for their growth and self-sufficiency in order to enter the labor market. Since 1994, when the “Iran 11 Campaign” was launched, this institute has worked to educate and promote the presence of disabled people in society.

Imam Ali Popular Student Relief Society is a popular, non-profit organization whose members volunteer and whose expenses are covered by donations and sponsorships. Kuchegardan. Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)  (distribution of 8000 Blessing Bags among deprived families during Ramadan Mubarak), Moslem Babies  (release of teenagers sentenced to retaliation punishment and recognizing generous families), Persian League (football cup between organized population teams from deprived and laboure children), allocating 30 centers called “Iranian houses” in the suburbs to provide educational, training, assistance, psychology, health, nutrition, and other services to this population.

The Society for the protection and Assistance of Socially Disadvantaged Individuals (SPASDI) which consists of two non-profit rehabilitation and revival of morals values, was founded in 1999 after receiving an activity license from the relevant authority. The rehabilitation organization provides 100 percent free service charge to children with physical disabilities under the age of 16, while the SPASDI provides supportive, economic, cultural, counseling, and social assistance services.

Ra’d al-Ghadir (Ra’d Alghadir) Charitable Foundation was founded in November 2001 with the goal of improving the capacities of physically disabled people via TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training), rehabilitation, self-employed jobs, and preparation for a dignified life. With the help of Lord God and the support of altruistic founders and supporters, this institute has provided services to more than 2,500 physically disabled people in Tehran in the form of skills training and employment in sewing support workshops, Payam Center, Framing, visuals, computers, handicrafts and arts, and has successfully created decent jobs for 720 disabled people.